Proposed ERE Rates for FY2022

The University of Arizona is committed to providing employees with important benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, worker’s compensation, liability insurance, and more. These benefits enable us to maintain a competitive position in the workforce and among higher education institutions. Maintaining stable rates for these expenses is challenging, given increasing costs and employment changes.

Below are the proposed ERE rates for FY2021-2022. These rates have been submitted to the University’s Federal cognizant agency, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Cost Allocation Services (CAS) for approval. While we await approval, the rates may be used in budgeting for FY2021-2022. In addition, these rates may be used for internal planning purposes, but may not be used for sponsored proposal submissions until they are approved. Please remember that rates will fluctuate from year to year; any potential savings in one year should not be expected in future years. We will continue to evaluate the ERE rates pool structure, as well as other variables for future rate development, to ensure the method utilized is efficient and effective. 

ERE Group FY2020-2021
Final Rates
Proposed Rates
Point Change
Employee Full-Benefit 31.0% 31.3% 0.3
Ancillary Employees 17.6% 17.6% 0.0
Student Employees 1.8% 1.7% -0.1
Graduate Assistants 11.1% 12.7% 1.6

Please contact Stacey Lemos at 520-621-0690 or for any questions regarding the proposed FY2022 rates.