Travel Request

Traveler Information
Full Name
Enter your full name as it appears on a valid travel ID (Ex: Driver License, Passport)
Traveler Contact Details
Do you want a Travel Advance?
Are you taking personal time before and/or after the business trip?
Note: If taking personal time, the employee will need to purchase their own flight. Personal travel cannot be purchased on the PCard, however these charges can be reimbursed right away or at the end of the trip with the other expenses.
Business Purpose Information
Please provide the name of the Conference. If this is not a conference, please enter the meeting subject or business purpose.
Trip and Travel Arrangements
Conference Registration
Does registration require membership credentials/login?
If yes, someone from Shared Services will contact you to coordinate registration.
Note: Hotel may be booked on a PCard for business purpose days only. Days for personal time must be booked using a personal payment method.
Note: Airfare cannot be booked on a PCard if taking personal time
Preferred Seating
Motorpool/Car Rental?
Note: Motorpool/car rental cannot be reserved on a PCard if taking personal time
Skip this section if traveling domestically
If dual citizenship, please indicate which passport will be used.
List all lodging arrangements and locations for this trip.
General travel experience
Experience with this destination
Will this travel include remote locations?
Does this travel include substances, software, or technology?
Will equipment be transported?
Is this travel essential in regards to activities or timing?
List the names of the other travelers in your group.
List the name of the traveler considered the primary organizer and point of contact.
Other Information
Are you aware of any colleagues from your department who are also going on this trip?
Seperate names using commas
Special Dietary Needs
Conferences often ask for meal preferences.
Attach supporting or backup documentation for this request here.
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: rtf, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, msg.