Exception Reporters

(Exception Time and Presence at Work)

Submitting Your Timesheet

Watch: Entering Time

  1. Go to UAccess - Employee / Manager Self Service
  2. Log in using your NetID and password
  3. Select UA Employee Main Homepage from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen
  4. Select the Time tile to access the Time Dashboard
  5. Select the Enter Time tile
  6. If you have Multiple Jobs , be sure to select the correct job from the "Select a Job" dropdown.
  7. If reporting Presence at Work (PAW), select the Time Reporting Code (TRC) "PAW" from the drop down box. One unit of PAW will be populated on Monday. This value does not represent one hour of work, rather it is the default value that indicates you worked your regularly scheduled hours for the pay period.
  8. If reporting exception time (e.g. vacation, sick, holiday), enter the hours you are reporting in the days you took them. Designate the type of hours reported in each row by selecting a Time Reporting Code (TRC) from the drop-down list at the end of the row. Rows can be added or removed by clicking the ‘+’ or ‘-‘ boxes.
  9. Submit your hours for approval by clicking Submit.

Additional Help

Deadline Notice

Presence at work does not require approval from a supervisor to be paid, but exception time does require approval. Refer to the Time Reporting Deadlines.